From Sky's 5th grade Teacher Richard Larson at Kilauea School

I found this note from Sky's 5th grade teacher among his childhood keepsakes. I have had it on my desk for a number of years held down by my chinese wise man sculptures.  Always there at a glance a treasure to sooth me a confidence. Sky's journey and life story...... Here is the text:
            Dear Sky,
             I said it during the year and will always say it when i speak of the class                   "Sky Smith made us a great class because of his understanding of life"
             The gift you have is that you can get along with anyone and yet hold your                own  You think for yourself---and that is a gift to be treasured because to                be able to do that you must know yourself and have inner strength.  You                don't have to be perfect to be successful in this world. But one does                      need to care about others and have compassion- You have that (Sky)....
              It was an  honor to be your teacher and a privilege to have you as my                      friend ,  Your friend always, Richard Larson 
My gosh, It is remarkable every time I read this.  To know what a profound impact La'akea Sky had in our world.    "So Powerful a life, So eternal a love"     
A life no measured in years but in dense concentration of profound moments.

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